Welcome to Dr. Bees’ Nest —the buzz where higher ed gets a healthy dose of irony, sarcasm, and the occasional sting of truth. This is the place for anyone who’s spent more time in a faculty lounge than they’d care to admit, been lost in a sea of administrative jargon, or found themselves questioning the status quo of academia. If you’ve ever felt like you're living in a world where the absurdities of higher education demand a little more than a raised eyebrow, you've found your home.
To help you navigate the swarm, we’ve organized our contributors into subcategories:
Worker Bees
Hear directly from students, the tireless workers of academia, as they share their triumphs, struggles, and frustrations in navigating the often chaotic hive of higher education.
Queen Bees
Faculty voices take center stage here, offering reflections on teaching, research, tenure battles, and the unique joys and absurdities of professorial life.
Drone Diaries
A peek inside the administrative corridors, where strategy meetings, budget spreadsheets, and policy memos buzz with ambition, irony, and occasional stumbles.
Whether you’re here to laugh, commiserate, or gain a fresh perspective, The Buzz has something for everyone. Dive in and explore the hive!
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